Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Please tell me your trainer doesn't do this!

Any idiot can make you vomit or feel pain.

I have heard of trainers doing this 3 times in the last four months.

Does this make any sense to anyone?

I have no idea why a personal trainer would do such a thing. It is

What a horrific way to introduce a young athlete to health and fitness.

It takes a skilled fitness professional to make you feel your first
workout but not immobilize you, and have it be the first step in a
progressive activity plan.

We, as trainers, have been given your trust and bodies to take care
of. This goes against everything we are supposed to be working for.

Trainers who do this need to get a reality check.

I don't care if that is the way they were trained. That is a cop out.
Plain and simple. You have the burden of care. Show some responsibility.

If you have a trainer, if they think this is good for you, please,
question them. Make them think, explain themselves, or fire them
and get a better trainer.

I could go on but I think I should nip this while it is still civil.

Have a great weekend everyone.

Get out, stretch those legs and have some fun!

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