Thursday, February 19, 2009

Do I really sound like this?

No, seriously. Is this how it sounds?

This is my 6 year old's attempt to help me make posters to advertise the business. (She makes posters for anything and anyone just so you know, very helpful!).

She pretty much nails it, don't you think?

Simplicity at it's finest.

And the greatest chance of success more often comes when the choices are made simple. A or B. Once you pick it you go for it!

We are bombarded with choices. Light or regular? New iPod or Old? Mazda or Camero? Vacation or parents place? You know the drill. These are a little more complicated. And there are as many as you want to pile onto your plate!

So as my little R puts it, when it comes to your health it is a Yes or No. Do you want to be healthy? Y. Do you need to go for a walk? Y Do you want to strengthen your body? Y

The answer seems a whole lot simpler now doesn't it.

Of course I am probably preaching to the choir. You are probably in top health already. So perhaps you can share this with loved ones who are struggling.

* Here is a little tidbit that may shake up your workout. First things first though, check with a fitness professional before you go off on this. Make your core a part of your warm up. Take 5 to 8 minutes to loosen up, engage and warm up your core.

If it is a part of you that you want to address then take a moment to prepare it before you lay into it with a crazy workout. It may prevent lower back injuries and allow you to move stronger, faster or smoother into and through the rest of your workout.

I can't stress this enough thou. Get a qualified, experienced fitness professional to assist you!

Shake it up a little bit. Don't think because you've always done it this way or "everyone else is doing it" that you can't shake that off and do something unique and perhaps even better for you!

Have a great day.

In health,


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Listen to yourself!

Just listening to Liliy Allen on CBC and she made a great point
about image.

Don't buy into it.

Close to thousands of images of "fashion" bombard us every day.

This is not a good thing. Especially if it starts to cloud your
vision of what is good for you.

You don't have to be thin, afraid of fat, wear that makeup, stress
over your hair, or obsess over your biceps.

You need to be the best you above anything else.

Me, personally, would start by breaking down what YOUR goals are.
Think about what YOU really need. Sure you can get a reference from
books, friends, peers, parents, but don't go by advertising.

Surely by now we are all in agreement that advertising is not
reality, other than they are really trying hard to sell you

So it kind of goes without saying that advertising is going to try
to make you feel bad so what they are trying to sell to you is
going to make you feel better!

Pretty slick, hunh? Except for the part where they are trying to
make you feel bad!

So, your goals should be focused on feeling good. If it means
loosing weight, fine. If it means making your body sore (not
busted!) after every workout, ok. But make it your decision!

This is about owning yourself. Don't b pummeled into submission
by outside forces. Own your mind and body. Make it move and live
the way you want it to.

One last thing. Mind your words. How you refer to yourself will make
a difference about how you feel and act every day.

More on that later.

Have a great day everyone!

In health,


Thursday, February 5, 2009

This Year is Moving Fast...

Ok, here is your fair warning.. 10% of the year is done.

Are you 10% closer to your goals.

Are you 10% wealthier?

Are you 10% closer to your weight goals?

What is your plan to achieve your goals over the other 90% of the

Seems like a long time doesn't it. But think back to the goals you
had at the beginning of last year. How many things did you achieve?

So many times we wait ourselves out of success. Time to kick that
habit in the butt. Start today.

Take a moment to write down three goals for this year. For each
write down the three main things you have to do to make them

Of those nine items, do one today. Start now!
My suggestion? Start becoming more active today. It is the one
thing certain to raise your energy levels and make you more likely
to get up tomorrow alert and ready to start the new day and tackle
task #2!

Ok, hop to it. Show everybody how it is supposed to be done.

Have a great day. I can't wait to hear about the

In health,
